Monday, March 19, 2012

Planet of the Apes

Apes can laugh. Not only that, but they're better at it than us! While humans only laugh during the exhale, then have to stop to breath- apes can laugh during both the inhale and exhale.

They don't all laugh the same either. Orangutans produce a series of short laughs (heeheeheehee), while chimps, gorillas and bonobos make longer laughing noises (haaaa haaaaa haaaaa). This happens most often when they are playing, wrestling or being tickled. Here's a video:

Martin Ross of Discovery News also commented that the apes that are genetically closer to humans have more human sounding laughs.

Here's some other ways apes act like us (or we act like apes):
*They shake their head "no" to tell their children not to play with their food, climb into dangerous situations or bother unfriendly males.
*They recognize faces. Primates have been found to be able to pick out a face in a crowd (primate faces, not human faces).
*They use tools and play with toys. Here's the interesting part about this one- they use gender specific toy. Females are more likely to choose plush, doll type toys while males are more likely to play with toys with wheels, like toy trucks.
*Injustice upsets them. When a group of capuchin monkeys was taught to trade off a small granite stone for a treat, and the monkeys were given unequal treats (the first monkey was given a grape and the second was given a cucumber), the entire group got very angry about the unfair treatment.

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