I have a problem. I'm a reader- this is not my problem. The problem is that I'm in a rut. For, oh, about the last year, the only books I've read were some variation of magical detective books (The Dresden Files, Day of First Sun, Random Stranger, Sandman Slim, The Blue Electric Angels series (can't think of the actual name of that one)... you get the idea. Don't get me wrong- there's nothing wrong with these books, hey, if they weren't excellent I wouldn't have read them exclusively for the last year. But it's sort of like eating steak, it's great every once in awhile but if you eat it for every meal- it sort of loses it's charm.
Luckily, there is a really easy solution to that: read/cook something else. So, to motivate myself to read a different genre, I've decided to do a book review on this blog every, oh, I don't know, couple of months. Since it's a wildlife blog, the books that I review will be wildlife/animal/nature themed. Probably, mostly fiction since that's what I prefer to read but I'll mix it up with some non-fiction as well. So- If anyone has any suggestions of book that would (even vaguely) fit into that category, please oh please let me know.
OK- I lied... I DID read the Hunger Games. But still, you get the idea- I read a lot of the same kind of books